Author-Only Interactions

This article answers the frequently asked question "How do I make it so only the author can use button(s)/select menu(s)".

Adding `$authorID` to the `customID` (for buttons) or `value` (for select menus) fields makes it so you can check if the author is using the interaction or not with if statements.

Buttons Example

Using $addButton[]:

  type: "basicCommand",
  name: "button",
  code: `$addActionRow
  $addButton[button1_$authorID;Click Me OwO;primary]`

Replying to the Interaction:

  type: "buttonCommand",
  code: `$if[$interactionID==button1_$authorID;$updateInteraction
Hello World!
;$if[$includes[$interactionID;button1]==true;:x: You're not the author of this button! $ephemeral;]]`

The 'name' property for the `buttonCommand` type shall not be used for author-only buttons.

Select Menu Example

Using $addSelectMenu[]/$addSelectMenuOption[]:

  type: "basicCommand",
  name: "select",
  code: `Make a selection
$addSelectMenuOption[Option 1;Hello World!;option1_$authorID]
$addSelectMenuOption[Option 2;Hello Planet!;option2_$authorID]`

Replying to the Interaction:

  type: "selectMenuCommand",
  name: "menu1",
  code: `$if[$interactionValues==option1_$authorID;$updateInteraction
Hello World!
;$if[$includes[$interactionValues;option1]==true;:x: You're not the author of this select menu! $ephemeral;]]

Hello Planet!
;$if[$includes[$interactionValues;option2]==true;:x: You're not the author of this select menu! $ephemeral;]]`

Last updated

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